Pokemon that Start with L
Pokemon names are nothing but sweet and cute nicknames you call those who are near and dear to you, usually something that only you call that Pokemon.
A cute name to call a Pokemon who you have to look out for.
- Lunatone
- Leafeon
- Luxray
- Lileep
- Landorus
- Luxio
- Loudred
- Litleo
- Lombre
- Lilligant
- Lanturn
- Lopunny
- Latios
- Leavanny
- Lillipup
- Lumineon
- Larvitar
- Ledian
- Lotad
- Liepard
- Larvesta
- Lechonk
- Lickilicky
- Lokix
- Ledyba
- Ludicolo
- Linoone
- Lucario
- Luvdisc
- Lugia
- Lampent
- Litwick
- Lycanroc
- Litten
- Lickitung
- Lurantis
- Latias
- Lapras
- Lunala
- Lairon