Hello. Dr. Odd here. Louis is Angela's uncle. I met him a few years ago when we were visiting down in Arizona. He is fun, funny, and a real nice guy. I love when he cooks Italian. You can drop him a line here. Louis Argenio March 23, 1951 St. Albans Naval Hospital Queens NY What is the 1st thing you want to do when you get home from work or when you wake up on the weekends? Have a couple of cups of coffee and read the newspaper Who would you like to pattern yourself after? My Grandpa Calabrese What is your favorite vacation spot? The Jersey Shore If you could get paid the same amount of $ at your current job and do anything, what would it be? Be a Veterinarian If you found $200 in the trash and you had to spend it that day, what would you do with it? Take my friends to lunch and buy DVD's What kind of music you like the most and why? Soft Rock and oldies (60's) because I'm over 50 and you can understand the words they are singing Who have you been most influenced by and why? My grandfather. He taught me that even though he had leg braces and could not get around well he would still spend time with us and play. He also showed me that it was okay for a man to do cooking as he cooked for us often. I still remember his chicken and dumplings. He always had a great sense of humor. What makes you cry? I have only cried once or twice as an adult the last time was when I had to put my best friend Sam (my black Lab) to sleep because of his cancer What is your favorite town or state in the United States? Arizona What do you usually eat for dinner? Pasta (is there anything else) What is your favorite website? Drodd If you had to hear 1 album for the rest of your life what would it be? Best of Dean Martin What is your favorite movie? Romance= "Somewhere in Time" Sci-fi "Forbidden Planet" it was way ahead of it's time 1957 What do you do for $? Network Technician What do you find attractive in the opposite sex? sense of humor Dogs or cats? DOGS What is your favorite sports team? NY Yankees You got any Tattoos? sorry just scars Do you use styling products in your hair? hairspray on what's left What is your favorite cartoon character? Bugs Bunny Got any nick-names? What do they mean or how did you get them? Louie the "Bull" I got from my years at the phone company. For my strength and sticking with something till it was done. What is your salad dressing of choice? is there anything else but Italian What is your favorite fast food place? What do you order there? Subway, Meatball Hero of course What is your favorite booze beverage? Asti Spumonte What is the one thing people say about you the most? great sense of humor What do you think people say are some of your most virtuous qualities? Dedication to my family, hard worker, good friend What do you think people say are some of your vices? ??? What is your biggest pet peeve? Working for people who
know nothing about my job but insist on telling me how to do it.
Favorite saying= "Never
argue with a fool, it makes hard for others to tell you apart"