Hello. Dr. Odd here. I met Barb a while after I started dating my girlfriend. She is her sister. She is nice and easy to be around and hang with. She moved to Chicago a few months ago which is fun and we get to hang more. You can drop her a line here. Barb Mills In the 1970's in the USA. What is the 1st thing you want to do when you get home from work or when you wake up on the weekends? Drink coffee in the morning and emails to friends and family Who would you like to pattern yourself after? One of my old co-workers who is the best communicator and most intelligent and caring person I know What is your favorite vacation spot? Anywhere outdoors where I can hike, camp, canoe, sightsee If you could get paid the same amount of $ at your current job and do anything, what would it be? Travelling and seeing new places for a living sounds good If you found $200 in the trash and you had to spend it that day, what would you do with it? Buy a plane ticket and go on a vaca with a friend What kind of music you like the most and why? Z calls it angry rock, but I like hard rock because it gets me pumped up inside Who have you been most influenced by and why? My parents because they are a huge part of my life What makes you cry? Movies, all types of movies What is your favorite town or state in the United States? Seattle, Washington when the sun is shining What do you usually eat for dinner? A big salad with anything i can find to throw in it What is your favorite website? Drodd is #1 If you had to hear 1 album for the rest of your life what would it be? Good Charlotte because I love to sing along with them What do you do for $? I work. What do you find attractive in the opposite sex? Humor, caring nature, family values Dogs or cats? Dogs What is the one thing people say about you the most? I am tall You got any Tattoos? Yes, i just got one in Ybor City in Tampa and i love it Do you use styling products in your hair? I use mouse and hairspray to straighten my hair, it is actually very curly What is your salad dressing of choice? Honey mustard, it is both sweet and tangy What is your favorite fast food place? What do you order there? I honestly do not eat fast food What is your favorite booze beverage? Vanilla Stoli and Diet Coke for liquor, Bud Light for beer What do you think people say are some of your most virtuous qualities? Caring, good listener, loyal What do you think people say are some of your vices? Indecisive and overly sensitive at times
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