(need intro with roman weasel high part)

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Jenny sits right behind me in 2 of my classes

I wonder what she sees through those thick brown glasses

she walks into class late almost every single day

little 'ole Jenny hates doing things the right way

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don't bother talking to her - she won't give you the time

that's just what I heard - still one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine

have you seen her walk 'round campus with a cigarette in hand?

careful 'cause all Jenny cares about is being her own woman

she got a job at the starbux and bought herself a beret

no everyday I stop on by and say hey Jenny hey

don't bother asking her if she can spare a dime

just remember that one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine

one day she'll be mine