welcome to Dr. Odd's Cribs - Be sure to click on the
pictures for the full size photo.
Two bedroom condo
Chicago, IL
everybody, I am Roman and welcome to my crib/pad/casa/home/abode/residence.
You get the picture. Anyways, this is where I live and lets start
the tour...
is my living room. I really like this room, and spend most of
my time when I 'm at home in here. I 've spent many an hour here
wondering/worrying if Jesse will pick Jessica, if Borowski will
get the save, and if Ross will get Rachel. To enhance my tv experience
Ialso recently upgraded my cable service to HDTV and it has been
well worth it. Now Ireally feel like I 'm hanging out with the
gang from the OC. Ialso like to watch movies and have this room
set up for surround sound to enhance my DVD watching experience.
Lets shove off to the dining area...
don't use the dining area all that much since I like to eat my
meals on the couch watching the tube. Did I mention I like to
watch TV? The table is a hand-me-down from my folks. Some people
like the dining set, and some people don't. I 'm not the biggest
fan of it, personally, but since I don't use it that often I don't
see a need to get a new table & chairs. The most recent meal
I had at this table was when I had some hot dogs from murphy's
with my parents & Jaimii. Murphy's is a damn good hot dog
of food - let's see what's cooking in the kitchen.
is my kitchen, I think it is pretty neat. believe or not, I actually
love to cook. Today I just made a gallon or so of home made spaghetti
sauce. I use a recipe that my grandma gave me and it is delicious!
The gas stove here rules. When I first moved to the city the kitchen
in my apartment had an electric stove. Let me tell you gas stoves
make such a difference. Cooking is good times. also - Just outside
the picture is my wine rack - wine is good stuff. After I 've
had a bit too much wine, I 'd have to make over this way down
the hall to hit the hay.
hallway here is probably my main thoroughfare in my crib. It connects
the back of my place where my deck/garage is to the front of the
place where the living room & kicthen are. As one of my few
art projects I saved some old punk rock posters & got them
custom framed and lined the wall with them. I think it adds a
nice touch to the hallway. The first stop to your right going
down this hallway is my 2nd bedroom/office.
office here is where I go to really geek out. Some people would
consider me a big computer nerd, but hey it pays the bills. I
have 3 computers running in my house all doing various tasks.
I have my computers set up to turn my lights automatically on
& off for me when I 'm on vacation. Yup - like I said - big
time geek.
of the 3 computers I have is affectionately referred to as ".net".
this computer is what you are connecting to right now in order
to see this website. I host about 15-20 websites on this computer
and have actually learned a ton just by getting it set up &
running. It doesn't hold any government secrets, but does have
more than a few incriminating photos of friends of mine.
I hear you say you have to take a leak? Well that's good - let's
stop in the bathroom then. I 'll show you around first. This is
a pretty basic bathroom. There's a shower, crapper & sink
in here. This room also has a diaper pail - don't get weird thoughts
in your head because the chitlins aren't gonna pop out just yet.
The diaper pail is actually used for holding the #1 & #2 of
the other residents of my crib. You thought I was the only one
that lived here? Nope - I have 2 little roommates. Let me introduce
you to them...

is Kennedy. She's named Kennedy because the people that found
her as a kitten found her on the Kennedy expressway - so I decided
to call her after the place where she grew up for the first few
weeks of her life. She's a super rad cat and it really really
friendly. She doesn't cover up her poop though and it make me
angry sometimes, but then I look at her and quickly forget about
the smell and quickly remember that she's a rad cat. Then I 'm
not angry anymore. Anyways, she's a lap cat and loves to be by
people. She drools sometimes when she gets real comfortable as

is princess Chloe - and yes, she's the princess of my crib. She's
a blue-point himalayan cat. She's a rad cat and a lap cat as well,
but is pretty high maintenence. She's a daddy's girl and doens't
like it when I 'm not home. Chloe just got a haircut because her
fur was all matted. She normally looks about 3x bigger than she
does here with her fur all grown in, but since it is close to
summer I figured it wa a good time to get her cut. Plus she like
her fur cut nice & short. Chloe actually just pulled me aside
and asked me if she could show you her crib - I hope you don't
mind. Just look at I this way - you get 2 cribs for the price
of 1 in this episode.

- I 'm Chloe - here's my crib. It is a 3 story wooden box covered
in 70's plush brown carpeting. I like to hang out in the penthouse
most of the time and sleep here. Once my dad gets home, though,
I like to run up to him and then hang out with him and follow
him wherever he goes. Thanks for visiting my crib. Meow.
Chloe - I hope she didn't bore you too much. She was really excited
to be featured on this episode of cribs. Anyways - let's pick
up where we left off, and make our way down the hallway to my
bedroom. Most of the time I sleep here, but I 've been known to
sleep in some other precarious areas of my crib. Namely the hardwood
floors & couches, and bathroom floors. Sometimes you just
can't make it to the bedroom ya know?
my closet there aren't too many too exciting items in here. I
've got a few designer pairs of boxer shorts from old navy and
a good amount of t-shirts. This isn't mariah carey's crib, so
my closet doesn't have too much to offer. Let's get out of here
and head over to one of my favorite rooms...
is where all the magic happens. My bathroom. I really like my
bathroom - and as you can see I get pretty comfortable in here.
I have a shower and a nice big tub with jacuzzi jets which is
nice to use after working out. Just kidding - I hate working out
so I don't use the jacuzzi jets' too often.
here we are on my back deck/patio. I love to hang out back here
when it is nice & warm outside. Since I 've moved to this
crib I 've also been spending a lot of time on my deck grilling
up meals on my BBQ. I recently went to costco and got some shrimp
& steak and made shishkebabs on my grill. They were darn good.
maybe one day the food network will come by and tape an episode
of BBQ-U here. One can only dream.

was a good time hanging with y'all. You take care of yourselves
and I 'm gonna go take care of myself... if ya know what I mean.
See ya around.