welcome to Dr. Odd's Cribs - Be sure to click on
the pictures for the full size photo.
4 bedroom house
Austin, TX

We're Mary Beth and Michael. Welcome to our house in Austin!

We like our big driveway.

Come inside!
Now, we just moved, so you may see some boxes.

Guest book
Please sign our guest book. We're trying to establish a neat new tradition.

Family Room

Toy Closet Under Stairs
Here is where our neices and nephews store their toys.

Downstairs bath
1/2 bath

Breakfast area
Hopefully soon we'll have a new table!

here is where i do some cooking.

Michael would like to offer you a beverage. Coors Lite or Dos Equis? We have a lot of condiments, too.

Laundry room
Notice the beloved china stored in the corner. :(

Living room/dining room
Here are some boxes and our living room/dining room empty areas.

Green bath
Straight up the stairs you'll find our guest bath. Mike enthusiastically poses here.

Man room
Here is Michael's favorite room. His man room. We messed up the paint. Oops.

Guest bedroom1
if you come visit us, you can sleep here.

Or here

Little room
This room has a little niche where you can daydream & make fashion drawings.

Master bedroom
Here is our master. We painted it blue. Someday we'll hang something on the wall.

Master bath
there is a ghost in here. watch out!

From our room, you can sort of see a canyon if you look hard.

Let's go out back
Here is our covered patio.

And a wild animal!
Hello Bella. Show everyone what you do all day. Thanks for stopping by!